I've been looking for a job for the past few months. I had my follow-up interview today for Strawberry Fields, and I got hired. At last the job search is over. I'll be working in the cafe tomorrow, learning how to make coffee and such.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 06, 2010
Josh and I just moved to the DC area a couple of weeks ago for his ne… -
Saturday May 09, 2009
I'm going to my graduation ceremony in about a week. Then two short s… -
Sunday Mar 15, 2009
I've been gone for a while. Some kind soul gave me 3 months free memb… -
Thursday Sep 20, 2007
Now I'm working on applying to grad school for Library and Informatio… -
Thursday Dec 14, 2006
The lovely joshuaheretic (aka tcrow) will be graduating on Sunday aft… -
Tuesday Nov 07, 2006
blah -
Saturday Oct 07, 2006
Gosh, it's been ever so long since I've updated. I've gotten interne… -
Saturday Aug 12, 2006
I only have internet access at work, because I've moved. I work 38 h… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
Nine Inch Nails on Saturday night! -
Monday Jun 26, 2006
Hooray, it's my birthday!
wow...my proofs from graduation proper look great which i don't understand given it was pouring rain and outdoors...i guess i was glowing so much with relief for being out of there. awwwww thanks i'm sure much of that has to do with my bf's fabulous work.