-- washing clothes and talking on some long tangent about how creative "self exptression" became a marketing gimmick around the advent of the industrial revolution--- how its interesting that our creative activities translate so well into cashable products .. objects to put a price tag on --
was i thinkintg about how everybody doesnt have that creative drive in the same physical sense as "artists" --
good ole religion--
i dont know what to think about agnostics-- which is odd because i usually like the grey areas of debate -- is god alive or dead-- a zombie? the great undecideable-- -- maybe i just feel wierd with self definition -- i am an---
or maybe i just feel wierd when people try to define themselves by using others people vocabulary to define something they dont believe in.
that is --if the idea of the chrisitan god doesnt fit in your world view--why continue using that vocab? HE didnt create the world so I dont believe in HIM .....
it seems like people are still holding on to that --they need his inexistence to define them- I think i mean that we dont have to play with other peoples world views-- we dont need to be expected to appropriate a vocbulary that is outside of our own experience-- the existence or inexistence of some thing doesn't play into the way i see the world functioning
redefinng theology is humurous to me-- of course i owe this to my mormon heritage-- [ i've read that most people that leave the lds church don't adopt another religion--( this makes sense) ] -- but historcally religion is full of redefinition --- maybe because --weve always needed it -- so we redefine -- but -- agnostics ---dont redefine -- they stay with a previous notion--that this god theyve heard of exists or doesnt--so it usually becomes an epistimelogical problem---- so what's interesting is the role of a god that may or may not exist-- what kind of relationship does the agnostic have with this undecideable--? and does the agnostic make the move to kill the undead? to put it in its place --alive or suddenly out of existence --what kind of power then would the agnostic have?---
was i thinkintg about how everybody doesnt have that creative drive in the same physical sense as "artists" --
good ole religion--
i dont know what to think about agnostics-- which is odd because i usually like the grey areas of debate -- is god alive or dead-- a zombie? the great undecideable-- -- maybe i just feel wierd with self definition -- i am an---
or maybe i just feel wierd when people try to define themselves by using others people vocabulary to define something they dont believe in.
that is --if the idea of the chrisitan god doesnt fit in your world view--why continue using that vocab? HE didnt create the world so I dont believe in HIM .....
it seems like people are still holding on to that --they need his inexistence to define them- I think i mean that we dont have to play with other peoples world views-- we dont need to be expected to appropriate a vocbulary that is outside of our own experience-- the existence or inexistence of some thing doesn't play into the way i see the world functioning
redefinng theology is humurous to me-- of course i owe this to my mormon heritage-- [ i've read that most people that leave the lds church don't adopt another religion--( this makes sense) ] -- but historcally religion is full of redefinition --- maybe because --weve always needed it -- so we redefine -- but -- agnostics ---dont redefine -- they stay with a previous notion--that this god theyve heard of exists or doesnt--so it usually becomes an epistimelogical problem---- so what's interesting is the role of a god that may or may not exist-- what kind of relationship does the agnostic have with this undecideable--? and does the agnostic make the move to kill the undead? to put it in its place --alive or suddenly out of existence --what kind of power then would the agnostic have?---
hahaha your first kissy face! how'd ya like it?