Yes, I agree, most all of them are stupid in one way or another. But most of the time, it seems to me that they do what they do on purpose, just to upset me.
I'd give up on science too, if I had one other small subject or area of life that I was at least remotely good at. As it stands, I'm stuck trying to learn it.
Ha. I'm so pleased with myself.
Msn wouldnt let me sign in 'temprrarily unavailable' but was working for others.
So, I did some fancy logging out and logging in shit. And fuck me it worked. I did a crazy celebratory arm dance.
Anyhoo, Im in high spirits. Dark chcolate and red wine (the main foods of my diet) and hash a plenty...
Today I made a tofu pudding with silken tofu, a banana, and some dark chocolate. Tres yummy. And contains more than my RDA of calcium! And for dinner I am having rice cakes and hummus and bean sprout mix and vegetables and SPINACH. I love being vegan, and I love cooking and I love eating.
I have busy days ahead of me, with deadlines and... Read More
It looks a bit more than an inch an a half in your profile picture! How long has that been? My vegan pal has reliably informed me that she has no such hair growing problems. Maybe my hair just hates me...
I'm just growing it while I still have it and before it goes grey.
Bloody hell. My sister is making sex noises in her sleep.
I went to a comedy club in Chalk Farm last night. Did you know that Simon from popworld is gay? He was one of the comediennes trying out new material (95% of which was utter shit). Lenny Henry was there too and he wasnt very funny. Tall, though. And there was a woman called... Read More
Luckily for you, I don't think I know enough about Harry Potter to make up many more deliberate mistakes. I'll get back to you once I've spoken to my nephew. Mwuahahaha.
Hahaha. I'm saving photos of silly postemo hardcore twats on myspace to show my sister who doesn't know their kind. Its fucking hilarious. The hair! Oh, the poofy hair!
And the perfectly placed piercings. Vomit enducing. Makka me sick!
God, the hair!
Oooh you have a tattoo? A skull and crossbone with stars? Wow! I have never in my life seen one like that before!... Read More
You are my hero!! everytime im in Glasgow, these kids seem to breed and expand in numbers. and wots with the hair.. the windswept look is clearly in...pouty little idiots!!!
Celebrity big brother is a fucking hoot and a half.
Jodie Marsh, I adore.
Pete Burns is grotesquely beautiful and I have quite the crush on him. Despite the gorilla coat.
Ive never really watched any other celeb bb before because they all seemed shitty. So Im pleasantly surprised at my enjoyment of this one.
Every night I go to sleep with brandied apple essential... Read More
I'm sort of addicted to Celebrity BB as well. They're just all so full of themselves. I loved that Pete Burns thought he was the third most famous person in the house. Preston and Maggot seem reasonably normal though.
i cant watch it as i hate micheal barrymore what the fuck is he doing being allowed on tv?but perry is cute and pete burns is funny but i hate his coat i hope it gets arrested for having it as its illegal!
New year has been good to me so far. I'm being a good girl.
I need to take some photos of me. for my folders.
I grew back my eyebrows. I have them thick. and my hair is more blonde than ginger. I'm bleaching it again in a while and then when I get bored of that I'll make it green I think.
And thats... Read More