I went to a houseparty last night. Didnt know whose house it was, Jonny said we could come. It was nice to see people, we went with the usual folk. Nice people, mostly. Drank Jack Daniels and coke, got nicely drunk but not too drunk. Rolled a couple of spliffs which Garry bogarted as he does. Grr its always me with the hash. Jamie and Alice gave me cigarettes. Rachel was there neeeurgh the music was fucking shitty. Best song I heard was Mmbop by Hanson. Impressed/disgusted people with what I did in KFC that morning (most people were disgusted). Saw a girl with a shaved head. Hot. Had to wait 45 fucking minutes for a N91 and then 2 came. Got home and ate Tofu stirfry. Mmmmmmmm. Lay in bed and listened to some of Marilyn Mansons Antichrist Superstar cd. Went to sleep thinking the usual drunken thoughts. Woke up to my shit for brains father bursting into my bedroom accusing me of stealing his razorblades
and then I had a shower and ate some beans on toast and a peach and a herbal tea and watched Hollyoaks. And thats it.
I am in an alright mood because I have a date with Trent Reznor next week and Im also working a bit next week so Ill have money.
And here is me enjoying a glass of coca cola. Mmmmm...
and here is me posing and look what I did on photoshop! Wow I sure am a whizz. If ever a whizz there was. I'm joking. I barely know how to use photoshop and I just needed to make the picture lighter...
I need to phone those agency people about jobs

I am in an alright mood because I have a date with Trent Reznor next week and Im also working a bit next week so Ill have money.
And here is me enjoying a glass of coca cola. Mmmmm...

and here is me posing and look what I did on photoshop! Wow I sure am a whizz. If ever a whizz there was. I'm joking. I barely know how to use photoshop and I just needed to make the picture lighter...

I need to phone those agency people about jobs

hey hunni, ta for the message so when ya takin me out then?
YAY going to wales wednesday!!