I got blissfully stoned last night
Lying in bed with a spliff, a glass of coke (with Lemon and Ice, of course), my cd player and some carefully chosen cd's. I listened to Queen, White Stripes and Bob Dylan. I forgot how good the White Stripes' 3rd album, white blood cells, is. Yeah, that was nice.
But Maxwell got evicted from BB
I am seriously angry at the idiocy of the supposedly great british public! I mean why the fuck would you get rid of Maxwell? Why? Why??? And why would you want Science to stay? Whhhhy???? Good grief. I am fucking angry.
Jonny got me and Carys NIN tickets for the bargain price of 20 each! including postage and package. Meaning I can have Sg membership still
I wanna see some people tonight. And I wanna drink some JD and Coke too. I love coke. I need to make phone calls. It's always ME who makes the phone calls
and theyre always late, too
I cant stand it when people are late! and they cancel sometimes, too... with a text! A text is not reliable enough to cancel on someone with, you need comfirmation that the person you're cancelling on knows that you've cancelled! Agreed? Agreed.
I think thats all there is to report. My dad is a bonehead.
I did something bad to the KFC toilets on the way home from the bank this morning

But Maxwell got evicted from BB

Jonny got me and Carys NIN tickets for the bargain price of 20 each! including postage and package. Meaning I can have Sg membership still

I wanna see some people tonight. And I wanna drink some JD and Coke too. I love coke. I need to make phone calls. It's always ME who makes the phone calls

I think thats all there is to report. My dad is a bonehead.
I did something bad to the KFC toilets on the way home from the bank this morning

also maybee they cancell cos you smell too...