Fucking terrorists. I am sad and pissed off. I hate chaos. I hate bombs and people dying. I feel so protective over London. I like London
and I feel so dreadful for the people on those trains or those buses. A terrorist attack is my absolute worst nightmare. I pretty much avoid travelling on tube trains if I'm in the city. My mum and I work right near moorgate, aldgate and liverpool st station, I was supposed to be working today but we heard about the bombs and my mum said not to go in. And now that means Belle the dog is all alone in the house for aaaages (and she doenst like being alone), I dont get paid, and I dont know whats gonna happen with picking up Eleanor, one of the girls I look after. She goes to city school for girls, right near Moorgate (was there a bomb there? last I heard tehre was, but it hadnt been confirmed). Aaaaargh its fucking stupid. The people who did this I hate so, so, so much. Death penalty, man.
What can you say about something like this, anyway?
In other news I have been having some horrendous dreams recently. Last nights was the worst yet - I murdered my grandmother
Tuesday nights was funny though. I bought some tickets to see Bleeding through off a weird dude in a phone box. I didnt see him, I gave him the money (12 in total, i got 2 for 6 each) and he dropped the tickets on the floor and ran off still inside his phone box
then when I was looking at them I realised that the date on them was the 55th of june and that was when I realised they were fake tickets and I had been conned. hahaha. weird. then I was in the big brother house with.. er... the queen
I saved a wasp yesterday. Stupid bitch on the bus was trying to splat it with her stupid handbag and I stopped her . I don't think she was very happy that I stopped her. she was embaressed. Quite a kerfuffle.
Dennis the dog keeps trying to hump Bobo the dog (Dennis' uncle). Its quite disturbing.
I wanna go to wales.
My boots are falling apart. I need new ones.
Today is a sad day. People died for no fucking reason.

What can you say about something like this, anyway?
In other news I have been having some horrendous dreams recently. Last nights was the worst yet - I murdered my grandmother

Tuesday nights was funny though. I bought some tickets to see Bleeding through off a weird dude in a phone box. I didnt see him, I gave him the money (12 in total, i got 2 for 6 each) and he dropped the tickets on the floor and ran off still inside his phone box

I saved a wasp yesterday. Stupid bitch on the bus was trying to splat it with her stupid handbag and I stopped her . I don't think she was very happy that I stopped her. she was embaressed. Quite a kerfuffle.
Dennis the dog keeps trying to hump Bobo the dog (Dennis' uncle). Its quite disturbing.
I wanna go to wales.
My boots are falling apart. I need new ones.
Today is a sad day. People died for no fucking reason.
what part are your family from?
also today i noticed in the vices section of your details <----- you have put that you only drink ciggarettes when drunk....im intrigued how exactly do you drink them?????