^Thats me about half an hour ago. Its kinda dark but I look better in dark photos. You can't see so much of the grease on my skin hahaha
My skins not :that greasy though
Bleeding through were awesome last night. Blew me away. Again. My body is a little bit battered now though. Stage diving is the funnest thing. I jumped from the speaker at the front of the stage this time, its better.
This morning I walked to Highgate with my mum, sister, sisters baby, and the dogs. My sister wanted to go to a toyshop to get something or other but I came back with a very lovely necklace indeed. Its one of those things you get in toyshops, you get a show lace type string (which cost 25p and they had them in lots of colours) and beads (which are 10p each) and little cube beads with letters on (30p) and you make a necklace
Live 8 is all very good and Im all for the end of poverty, though I have no idea how it would come about, but Bob Geldof is annoying. He seems to think hes some kind of benevolent super being. Hes a good person and all that, just maybe a little too far up his own butthole. Plus, 30 animals die every second for the meat industry according to my leaflet so why doesnt anyone think thats wrong. I hate that people think human life is so much more important than non-human animal life. And I bet people are eating beef burgers and hot dogs at that fucking Live 8. Wankers.
I wanted to go to it when I first found out about it but thats only because it said in the sun that the cure where gonna play. But theyre not. I wouldnt wanna be in a crowd of so many people anyway. Im watching it on t.v and it looks a bit like hell. The only people Id wanna see would be: Annie Lennox, Madonna, REM think thats it. Whoah Annie Lennox is doing sweet dreams now. Awesome.
And to end my July 2nd journal entry I will write this, a funny little limerick from the hookers advice column in the London line newspaper. The best newspaper. It costs 1p! Here is the limerick
There once was a man named Dave,
Who kept a dead whore in a cave,
She was missing a tit,
And smelled quite a bit,
But think of the money he saved!
oooooooh i hate bob
Love your necklace and your vegan too, yeah!!