Took this this morning when I was fucking around with ym sisters camera while she was out. Cameras are fun. I'll get one soon.
I update too much. I have too much to say.
My dad is a wanker. Eatin all my wholemeal bread and tartex and alfalfa and shouting at my beloved*. Big fat HOG
I wanna get a proper full time job. I wish those mofos would call.
Seeing bleeding through tomorrow but I have to work, also. Bummer.
I am counting the days til I get to go to Wales. Aaah.... Wales is beautiful. End of July I think I'll be going.
*My sister
i like the picture today, i like to take random photos but im still in the old school of film in a camera, i dunno its kinda A. because i love taking fotos the old way. B. cos i did photography at college and i just love the ability to controll different things that i dont think you could with a digital. and C. cos im a broke ass bitch and cant afford a digital camera but i do want one, well i want an slr so thats why i cant afford one.
soooooo, apart from your dad munching the bread whats been going on in your life, mines been pretty dull as usual, ive had some new ink but thats about all,
i loooove