I was making my breakfast this morning (marmite and soya margarine on vogel bread) and the post came, and my dad got it and he said "Rhiannon, theres a jiffy bag for you all the way from the usa" and then I started jumping up and down and squeeling because I knew what it was - my vegan essentials!
last wednesday I ordered a book (the a-z of animal ingredients) and a badge (saying vegan
) from Vegan Essentials I wasnt expecting it for a while because it has to come aaaall the way from America and it came by boat (I imagine a little sailing boat carrying my vegan essentials to jolly old england). I am very happy indeed with my purchases, however I am very unhappy indeed that the skittles I ate last night (and very much enjoyed) contain Shellac which I know now is crushed insects (
) and that the ginger biscuits which I was amazed to find are vegan are infact very un-vegan, they contain lecithin, which I didn't know is some kind of egg thing. Ew. I ate egg
Atleast now I can check everything and make sure theres no cowbrain in my lipstick or gelatine in my cider
There was a storm yesterday. Who else loves storms? I was on the bus on the way home from work and I was pissed off because I'd had a bad day and I was tired, but I was listening to my Bob Dylan album which was making me feel okay, and then i got even more okay when the rain started. It was so very refreshing. I love rain. Not spitty rain, I mean big rain. Noisy crash crash rain. And then later the storm was so amazing, with the big forks and sheets of lightening and the huge noisy thunder. Makes me feel so warm and comfy and safe inside
I gave my dogs a cuddle and covered their ears when there was thunder so they didnt get scared
I got tickets for Bleeding throughs other show this Friday. Also playing with them are: Zao, 100 demons and I think a band called... crow? maybe? Hm i dunno. whatever though, it will be fun.
Nine Inch nails do their shows here soon. July. I have to see them. Im getting my friend, Noxy to get her boyfriends friend to try and get some off ebay for us, if we dont we'll just try the touts. I hate the touts.
I was in the garden yesterday with my mum and Claudine (family friend). It was nice to sit in the garden for the first time in like... 10 years. My dad is making it nice again. Claudine said I'm getting too skinny. She's so sweet. I used to be obese. Like 15 stone hehehe. that was when I was 13ish.
My niece, Scarlett, has been smiling so much!
this morning, I was singing to her (twinkle twinkle little star) and she was smiling, and cooing, and kicking her legs and it was the cutest.
Ehhh... I think thats all there is to report... my big sister is out at a picnic (great day for a picnic haha) with the people she used to work with so that means i can have fun with her digi cam while shes away. Heeheehee (she doesnt let me use it much because shes a bit of a nasty sometimes).
I was making my breakfast this morning (marmite and soya margarine on vogel bread) and the post came, and my dad got it and he said "Rhiannon, theres a jiffy bag for you all the way from the usa" and then I started jumping up and down and squeeling because I knew what it was - my vegan essentials!

Atleast now I can check everything and make sure theres no cowbrain in my lipstick or gelatine in my cider

There was a storm yesterday. Who else loves storms? I was on the bus on the way home from work and I was pissed off because I'd had a bad day and I was tired, but I was listening to my Bob Dylan album which was making me feel okay, and then i got even more okay when the rain started. It was so very refreshing. I love rain. Not spitty rain, I mean big rain. Noisy crash crash rain. And then later the storm was so amazing, with the big forks and sheets of lightening and the huge noisy thunder. Makes me feel so warm and comfy and safe inside

I got tickets for Bleeding throughs other show this Friday. Also playing with them are: Zao, 100 demons and I think a band called... crow? maybe? Hm i dunno. whatever though, it will be fun.
Nine Inch nails do their shows here soon. July. I have to see them. Im getting my friend, Noxy to get her boyfriends friend to try and get some off ebay for us, if we dont we'll just try the touts. I hate the touts.
I was in the garden yesterday with my mum and Claudine (family friend). It was nice to sit in the garden for the first time in like... 10 years. My dad is making it nice again. Claudine said I'm getting too skinny. She's so sweet. I used to be obese. Like 15 stone hehehe. that was when I was 13ish.
My niece, Scarlett, has been smiling so much!

Ehhh... I think thats all there is to report... my big sister is out at a picnic (great day for a picnic haha) with the people she used to work with so that means i can have fun with her digi cam while shes away. Heeheehee (she doesnt let me use it much because shes a bit of a nasty sometimes).
Have you got the animal free shopper from the UK Vegan Society? It's really good if you're in the UK as it has all the major brand name foods and even supermarket brands and stuff. Not just food - toiletries and things like that too.
I love your necklace, it's so cute!!
Oh and most bourbons you can eat, it's the staple biscuit of my diet. And plain hobnobs.