I stretched one of my ears yesterday. The plug that I had in one of my ears came out when i was sleeping and I couldnt find it so I had to buy another one. It was a blessing in disguise though because I've been wanting to stretch my ears bigger since January but I've been too much of a pussy to do it. it really, really fucking hurt the last time I got them stretched. Anyway though, I did it myself this time and i eventually got it in and then I was very happy. It didn't hurt anywhere near as much as before either, probably because its been 6 months so long. So now I have one beautiful ear with a very pretty 12mm plug in, and the other has a 10mm sized blue bike hubcap in (is that what thyre called? my brother found it for me and i put it in my ear
). I need to change that. My right ear is shitty. so theres my big news, I stretched my ear
I worked yesterday. Cara had a grumpy tantrum when I took her and Belle the dog to the park. She wanted to walk a different way but i wouldnt let her so she walked about 2 metres behind me the whole way, dragging her scooter along the pavement, and scowling. And we spent about 15 minutes on opposite sides of the road (in the rain) because she wouldnt cross over and come the way I told her we were going. We had to go my way though, because Belle gets scared if we walk along brick lane because It's too busy. Belle is adorable, shes a newfoundland, otherwise known as newfy...
^^^^ Thats a newfy. Bloody beautiful. She's enormous and slobbery and loyal and perfect and gorgeous and absolutely fucking huge and really manly
I love her.
Cara is also very lovely. She has gorgeous browny-gold curly curly hair and big brown eyes and lovely olive skin and she always wear gorgeous clothes because her mum buys pretty dresses from monsoon.
I'm housesitting for them on saturday. getting paid for staying overnight in a beautiful old house in spitalfields. Awesome.
Nine inch nails' pretty hate machine is a fucking brilliant album and I wish Rachel the scabby bitch hadn't taken it back (she lent it to me). I dislike Rachel Halle, she is spoilt, self absorbed... I'm gonna stop myself from going into a rant about her.
I'm gonna have some tofu and salad and pitta for lunch. Yum. I had watermelon and pear for breakfast. Double yum. God i love food.
Anyone who read this, I hope you enjoyed todays ever so interesting must read journal entry.
Yohoho and a bottle of Jager?

I worked yesterday. Cara had a grumpy tantrum when I took her and Belle the dog to the park. She wanted to walk a different way but i wouldnt let her so she walked about 2 metres behind me the whole way, dragging her scooter along the pavement, and scowling. And we spent about 15 minutes on opposite sides of the road (in the rain) because she wouldnt cross over and come the way I told her we were going. We had to go my way though, because Belle gets scared if we walk along brick lane because It's too busy. Belle is adorable, shes a newfoundland, otherwise known as newfy...

^^^^ Thats a newfy. Bloody beautiful. She's enormous and slobbery and loyal and perfect and gorgeous and absolutely fucking huge and really manly

Cara is also very lovely. She has gorgeous browny-gold curly curly hair and big brown eyes and lovely olive skin and she always wear gorgeous clothes because her mum buys pretty dresses from monsoon.
I'm housesitting for them on saturday. getting paid for staying overnight in a beautiful old house in spitalfields. Awesome.
Nine inch nails' pretty hate machine is a fucking brilliant album and I wish Rachel the scabby bitch hadn't taken it back (she lent it to me). I dislike Rachel Halle, she is spoilt, self absorbed... I'm gonna stop myself from going into a rant about her.
I'm gonna have some tofu and salad and pitta for lunch. Yum. I had watermelon and pear for breakfast. Double yum. God i love food.
Anyone who read this, I hope you enjoyed todays ever so interesting must read journal entry.

you brave stretching your ears im to chicken to do mine give me a 5 hour tattoo session rather
enjoy the house sitting dont wreck the house to much
i found your journal a thrilling read, i cant wait for the next issue.
that sounds really pheseacious but i didnt mean for it to.
ive not really done much went to a concert on weds that was fuckin ace, erm looked for jobs cos its boring sitting in doing nothing all day.
thats about it. i wanna stretch my ears so i went and had them pierced the other week, finnally after months of debating. i had them pierced at 1.6mm so i wouldnt have to wait ages to start with plugs, but i had to take it out yesterday cos the piercing was slanted so my hole at the front is fine but the back one is really really low down its nearly not in my ear so if i put a plug in it will just tear my lobe.
anyways have fun sitting on your house.