Ooooh look I have a wishlist now! goodness!
So, let's get down to it. I want someone to buy me Gia. I need it. I tried to buy it but fucking Virgin and HMV have discontinued it. WANKERS. I wanna see Angelina Jolie!!
So maybe someone should buy it for me. Its only $7 you knooow!
Oh, pleeeeeeeeease?
Beh, whatever. No ones gonna buy it but still pleeeeease!
On another note, my hayfever is KILLING ME.
EDIT: Whatever. My wishlist doesnt work right. I dont care. Thats what I get for begging
Hayfever + cold bug + continuous nosebleeds =
So, let's get down to it. I want someone to buy me Gia. I need it. I tried to buy it but fucking Virgin and HMV have discontinued it. WANKERS. I wanna see Angelina Jolie!!
So maybe someone should buy it for me. Its only $7 you knooow!
Oh, pleeeeeeeeease?
Beh, whatever. No ones gonna buy it but still pleeeeease!
On another note, my hayfever is KILLING ME.
EDIT: Whatever. My wishlist doesnt work right. I dont care. Thats what I get for begging

Hayfever + cold bug + continuous nosebleeds =

Im starting to rethink being hopelessly in love with you
*richard skips about knowing that he's finished all his exams and can now spend the next two weeks filming and spinning staff and poi*
[edited because my replacement link didnt work either
[Edited on Jun 08, 2006 10:37PM]