Ha. I'm so pleased with myself.
Msn wouldnt let me sign in 'temprrarily unavailable' but was working for others.
So, I did some fancy logging out and logging in shit. And fuck me it worked. I did a crazy celebratory arm dance.
Anyhoo, Im in high spirits. Dark chcolate and red wine (the main foods of my diet) and hash a plenty...
... oh gawd... Im kinda housesitting for my next door neighbour hash dealer. The phone just rang and I answered and it was some man who speaking like someone coming off heroin or something asking for Torille, Floss, the kids.... and now that he knows they're not here he might come and break in and kill me... and I swear I keep hearing people knocking at the door and calling me and then theres noone there...
I have my whole family next door to me. I'm fine. I just like a little drama. Like I'm in wales and its soooooo pitch black at night (not even the kind of dark where your eyes will adjust) and I imagine things at the windows... I imagine nostradamus (sp?... ya know... the 1920's or 30's vampire) comign to get me.... and all sorts of things lurkin in the woods (or should I say forest? its scarier sounding) next door to the lone cottage.... its really middle of nowhere-ish... not a terraced house.... just a wee cottage by a wood.... noone to hear your screams.... no people.... scary shit
Heh. Im gonna roll a spliff. Schizophrenia come get me... hahaaah.
And watch an sg video. Someone to keep me company
Edited a lil while later to say: Im singing along with Shania Twain right now and the cupboard gives a wicked echo. It make smy voice sound phenomenal. ha. 'The woman in meeeeeee....' needs more chocolate'
Msn wouldnt let me sign in 'temprrarily unavailable' but was working for others.
So, I did some fancy logging out and logging in shit. And fuck me it worked. I did a crazy celebratory arm dance.
Anyhoo, Im in high spirits. Dark chcolate and red wine (the main foods of my diet) and hash a plenty...
... oh gawd... Im kinda housesitting for my next door neighbour hash dealer. The phone just rang and I answered and it was some man who speaking like someone coming off heroin or something asking for Torille, Floss, the kids.... and now that he knows they're not here he might come and break in and kill me... and I swear I keep hearing people knocking at the door and calling me and then theres noone there...

Heh. Im gonna roll a spliff. Schizophrenia come get me... hahaaah.
And watch an sg video. Someone to keep me company

Edited a lil while later to say: Im singing along with Shania Twain right now and the cupboard gives a wicked echo. It make smy voice sound phenomenal. ha. 'The woman in meeeeeee....' needs more chocolate'

What a thrilling conversation....!