I just finished eating a cherry soya yoghurt. Yum.
Today is the 3 year death anniversary of my beloved dog Finn. He was only 6 months old. Poor little boy, he got hit by a car and the vet had to put him down. He was beautiful and cuddly and he looked like a bear. I wish I could have got to know him better.
Tonight I will sit alone and get slightly wasted. Im all about getting wasted alone right now. I was gonna go out to the pub with Noxy bean and co. but fuck it. I dont wanna waste my money and I dont wanna come home in the cold. Im having an ugly day anyway, Ill keep my ugly face hidden indoors. Its lucky my doggies dont care what I look like. Jonathon Ross will keep me company.
Dennis just poked my arm with his wet little nose. I stroked his ears and kissed his little head.
I finally stretched my ears again on Tuesday...
One's 16mm, the others 14mm. God, they looked so much bigger on Tuesday. They seem small now. Patience...
My sister has found where the fruit fly infestation was coming from. My dads compost bucket. Shes been running around the kitchen splatting them. Dennis gets all excited.
In my dream last night there was a giant (I mean giant like an elephant) bunny rabbit. Weird. Thats what smoking will do to you my sister says. I also had a dream that I castrated my cat (whos already castrated), Noxys boyfriend and beadle the perv. With kitchen scissors! Thats not the kind of dream I used to have. I like the kind of dreams Im having. I love to sleep and dream.
I am seeing Lamb of God, The Agony Scene and DevilDriver In December. That is a good Thing. I look forward to it.
Now im eating bean salad and listening to Lamb of God. I have cheered up since I started writing this. I hope it stays that way...
Today is the 3 year death anniversary of my beloved dog Finn. He was only 6 months old. Poor little boy, he got hit by a car and the vet had to put him down. He was beautiful and cuddly and he looked like a bear. I wish I could have got to know him better.
Tonight I will sit alone and get slightly wasted. Im all about getting wasted alone right now. I was gonna go out to the pub with Noxy bean and co. but fuck it. I dont wanna waste my money and I dont wanna come home in the cold. Im having an ugly day anyway, Ill keep my ugly face hidden indoors. Its lucky my doggies dont care what I look like. Jonathon Ross will keep me company.
Dennis just poked my arm with his wet little nose. I stroked his ears and kissed his little head.
I finally stretched my ears again on Tuesday...

One's 16mm, the others 14mm. God, they looked so much bigger on Tuesday. They seem small now. Patience...
My sister has found where the fruit fly infestation was coming from. My dads compost bucket. Shes been running around the kitchen splatting them. Dennis gets all excited.
In my dream last night there was a giant (I mean giant like an elephant) bunny rabbit. Weird. Thats what smoking will do to you my sister says. I also had a dream that I castrated my cat (whos already castrated), Noxys boyfriend and beadle the perv. With kitchen scissors! Thats not the kind of dream I used to have. I like the kind of dreams Im having. I love to sleep and dream.
I am seeing Lamb of God, The Agony Scene and DevilDriver In December. That is a good Thing. I look forward to it.
Now im eating bean salad and listening to Lamb of God. I have cheered up since I started writing this. I hope it stays that way...

i know what you mean about the something to moan about with the college thing, im allready moaning about my course. what you studying????
also i had a pet shar-pei that died at 5 months he was eating stones and we didnt know and it made him ill and then his stomach twisted and the vet had to put him down, that was a while ago now though. 6years actually wow thats gone fast.
your ears are looking cool, hairs looking ace, and your looking hot as usual. im really thinking about shaving a moheican back into my head, my hair is real long now too, i had it cut like 11 months ago so its down to my lips now but its doing my fruit in. it tickles my face and my girl hates it cos it tickles her face wen we kiss, i may jus shave it off aand go back to the days of punk. maybee ill do it later it cant be too hard to do it myself right......its just shaving it off.
whew well im gonna go cos that turned into a rite essay entry.
talk sooon.