Pretty much explains my life
So.... Wedding are expensive! Duh, I know, but sitting down and really looking at numbers is fucking depressing sometimes. Luckily I have very creative friends and the offerings to help so far have been amazing.
In other news, I am walking almost unassisted these days. If I'm going long distances, I still wear the boot, The crutches are reserved for walking with just a shoe. It still gets sore, but the pain is now managemable with an ice pack.
Looking forward to Hell City in a few weeks, this may be the best one yet! SO MANY old friends coming into town, I can't wait! It always proves to be an amazing time, so this year should be no exception.
Otherwise, just been looking for work and being a (sort of) good housewife. Housework is still challenging, but it's not impossible anymore. And I'm going nuts after having been sitting around, nursing this broken foot for 2 months! Never thought I would enjoy taking care of the house, but it sure beats sitting around all day feeling depressed and being bored.
Burnt Hickory
Hahhaha! I love that cartoon!