Good times! Thanatogenous and Aldremech came over for a very short visit this weekend. Thana got more work done on her stomach piece, it is looking sooo good!! it was such a short visit, but still a good one nonetheless.
Yesterday there was a benefit for my friend who were in the fire. It was a great time, great to see the two of them up and at it, a beautiful day and a decent turn out. The bar offered free appetizers and shots called the fireman that all profits going directly to my friends. MisterMainEvent & Dejah were in attendence, Dejah came back and went in the hot tub for awhile, we were all so wasted we went to bed at like 8pm. The highlight of the evening was Stevie_D winning tickets to see Alkaline Trio and me winning FRONT ROW tickets to see MUSE!!! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! I must have mentioned that about a thousand times to everyone i saw, but it was awesome. I cannot wait for the show in April.
While wasted on Saturday, i decided it would be a good idea to do a little hooping, and surprise surprise, i fell and hurt myself. I landed directly on my tailbone and i think i may have bruised it. Needless to day, I am not feeling my best today. Couple that with waking up at 4am and not being able to sleep, and you get 1 sunday on the couch! little R&R day is needed, then tomorrow i will be good as new!
Congrats on the tix !