I'm all moved in! it's a nicer place, i feel better here. I have a shitton of unpacking to do, but i'm gradually making progress 
For Halloween Stevie_D and I went out to the bar and one party that we stopped by WAY to early apparlently (10.30). there were hardly any people there, so we hiked home. all in all it was a good weekend. Stevie went out of his way to keep me sane during the move
it helped tremendously
A few pics

For Halloween Stevie_D and I went out to the bar and one party that we stopped by WAY to early apparlently (10.30). there were hardly any people there, so we hiked home. all in all it was a good weekend. Stevie went out of his way to keep me sane during the move

A few pics
that last one is of me procrastinating unpacking
looking forward to going out of town this weekend! doing a little partying, seeing friends
... life is good
Congratulations on your new place
Hot pics!

And a huge thank you to my favorite Glory Holer