Hmm..well just got back from Tx visiting Jess' family. All and all i have to say it was awesome. The weather was super nice, we stayed in a kick ass sexy hotel room and i didnt have to work for a week. Now the only bad part is im broke. Oh plus the plane ride back was horrible. I'm deathly affraid of flying and this sucked ass. We were supposed to leave san antonio at 4:15 but didnt take off til 5. Keep in mind that we had a connecting flight in Memphis at 6:30. So we get to memphis at about 6:25, went to the gate printed on our tickets, wrong gate. So we sprinted to the correct one only to find that our plane had already boarded and was about to take off. So the people at the airport reopen the gate telling us to run to the plane. We come down the ramp about to get on only to see the plane had already pushed off. I thought to myself, "am i gonna fucking have to jump on this bitch cause if so i'll just stay here." so the woman then was like, "no run down these stairs." so we ran down on the freaking ground and they lowered the stairs on the plane for us. Once we got on, everyone on the flight looked at us like "eat shit." After i took a look around i realized it was a fucking la bomba plane that sat like 10 people. I was like what the fuck, this shit is gonna go down. So then we find our seats and just my luck im sitting next to an emergency exit. So the flight attendent asks me, "are you willing to assist us in case of an emergency or crash landing?" Looking at her scared out of my mind, i agree. At this point i was almost in tears after eveything that had happened, i just wanted to get home already. So right before take off Jess looks and me and says, "did you go over the instructions in case we crash?" I was like "jesus christ i dont wanna fucking think about it" (i get pissed when im scared). I did look over them though. So the plane finally takes off after i had a minor melt down, surprisingly it was really smooth and no problems at all, but the flight attendent was a mega bitch. SO ANYWAY, we got home safe and sound, no problems, but the moral of the story is never fly with NWA they are an army of smelly pirate whores.

It's a shame you couldn't come out last night, you don't need money when I pay the bar tab all night for everyone. So you're 20, that will change in a month anyway.