Just a quick blog to thank you once more for all your support on my set on MR, another one is coming soon <3
Hm what else could I tell you? last friday @ituit and @ness came over to shoot a new hopeful in my room haha such a nice & high afternoon
Don't mind my weird face on the first pic, I was very sick for a week or so and lost a lot of weight so I'm not looking as healthy as I used to, I already got well, though!! I'll get my shape back soon :)
Honestly I haven't been doing much lately xD so I just hope you're all doing good and that's all for now haha thanks again for always cheering me up with your nice comments/messages. SG is taking forever to set up the date for my next set on MR, I hope I can tell you guys soon the date it will be up! have a big kiss from me kittens <3
P.S. Follow me on instagram and facebook for more updates! oh and check out my wishlist if you want :3