Just got home from an amazing weekend at Apache Lake! One of my best friend got married and I was lucky enough to be a groomsman. The weekend did have its adventures though.
I got to the lake Friday morning and it all started, picked up a case of beer and went boating with the groom and bride. We were all on the shore swimming and drinking having a good time and some of the people decided to go tubing. Since there were too many people to fit on the boat at one time the bride, groom, maid of honor and 3 groomsman including myself decided to stay and wait for them to come back. We figure 20 to 30 minutes and they'd be there. We figured since everyone left behind was part of the wedding they wouldn't forget us, well at least the bride and groom right? WRONG! I think we were stuck there for 3-4 hours before they came back to get us. It wouldn't been too bad had we had more beer or even water for that matter but we were out of both. Needless to say the bride especially was a little heated.
Anyway, we finally got back to the resort and the rest of the night went off without a hitch. The wedding day was a little different. About 3 hours before the wedding was going to start a monstrous storm rolled in. I'm talking lightning thunder the whole nine yards. There was rain all around us, but some how by the grace of god we only got a light drizzle for about 5 min. The storm went away and it was perfect weather for the ceremony.
There is one thing that totally chapped my ass about the reception. We had it outside in the patio area of the resort. The bar portion is right inside by the entrance to the patio. There were some drunk ass frat guys from ASU there and they kept coming out to the patio area where the wedding reception was being held and being loud an obnoxious. Trying not to ruin the night we went over and were as friendly as possible asked the guys if they could please go back into the bar and not ruin our friends special day. They did and we thought it was over, we were wrong. Once they started serving food we found the same guys outside getting in line for food and grabbing cups and taking our beer and alcohol. So once again e asked them to leave but a little less polite this time. Well these guys still weren't done, they came back out about 10 minutes later and this time were filing up cups fat the kegs we had. Well when we told them to leave somehow we were the assholes. I guess they felt they had some sort or entitlement to be there and ruin one of my best friends wedding day. Well I think we were probably mere seconds away from a fight when the jackasses realized they were vastly outnumbered and finally left!
Well after that whole incident we had a great night. We managed to float 3 kegs get entirely too drunk for our own goods. Managed to stay out of trouble although that was only narrowly accomplished and we got everyone back into their beds safe and sound. Today everyone made it home safe and the newlyweds are beginning their honeymoon.
Well it is back to work tomorrow and i need to get some rest because I am wore out after this weekend!
I got to the lake Friday morning and it all started, picked up a case of beer and went boating with the groom and bride. We were all on the shore swimming and drinking having a good time and some of the people decided to go tubing. Since there were too many people to fit on the boat at one time the bride, groom, maid of honor and 3 groomsman including myself decided to stay and wait for them to come back. We figure 20 to 30 minutes and they'd be there. We figured since everyone left behind was part of the wedding they wouldn't forget us, well at least the bride and groom right? WRONG! I think we were stuck there for 3-4 hours before they came back to get us. It wouldn't been too bad had we had more beer or even water for that matter but we were out of both. Needless to say the bride especially was a little heated.
Anyway, we finally got back to the resort and the rest of the night went off without a hitch. The wedding day was a little different. About 3 hours before the wedding was going to start a monstrous storm rolled in. I'm talking lightning thunder the whole nine yards. There was rain all around us, but some how by the grace of god we only got a light drizzle for about 5 min. The storm went away and it was perfect weather for the ceremony.
There is one thing that totally chapped my ass about the reception. We had it outside in the patio area of the resort. The bar portion is right inside by the entrance to the patio. There were some drunk ass frat guys from ASU there and they kept coming out to the patio area where the wedding reception was being held and being loud an obnoxious. Trying not to ruin the night we went over and were as friendly as possible asked the guys if they could please go back into the bar and not ruin our friends special day. They did and we thought it was over, we were wrong. Once they started serving food we found the same guys outside getting in line for food and grabbing cups and taking our beer and alcohol. So once again e asked them to leave but a little less polite this time. Well these guys still weren't done, they came back out about 10 minutes later and this time were filing up cups fat the kegs we had. Well when we told them to leave somehow we were the assholes. I guess they felt they had some sort or entitlement to be there and ruin one of my best friends wedding day. Well I think we were probably mere seconds away from a fight when the jackasses realized they were vastly outnumbered and finally left!
Well after that whole incident we had a great night. We managed to float 3 kegs get entirely too drunk for our own goods. Managed to stay out of trouble although that was only narrowly accomplished and we got everyone back into their beds safe and sound. Today everyone made it home safe and the newlyweds are beginning their honeymoon.
Well it is back to work tomorrow and i need to get some rest because I am wore out after this weekend!
Apache Lake is always chock full of frat fucks
Shoud have beat them senseless and tossed them into the lake 

The ladies here in AZ are gorgeous & I make it a point for them to be seen