okay the news just made my day.
i'm flipping channels and i come across cnn updates...
and i see this guy breakdancing.
for the pope.
the fucking ope!
apparently there were these polish breakdancers and grafetti artists and whatnot doing stuff for the pope.
i never caught why.
and plus casino is on. everytime it's on i watch the whole fuckin thing. ya just can't...
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i'm flipping channels and i come across cnn updates...
and i see this guy breakdancing.
for the pope.
the fucking ope!
apparently there were these polish breakdancers and grafetti artists and whatnot doing stuff for the pope.
i never caught why.
and plus casino is on. everytime it's on i watch the whole fuckin thing. ya just can't...
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breakdancing for the pope is the shit!
:still hung up on teh fuck the pope thoughts....: