I can't believe how many good looking women come in to where I work! So far this week, there's been the hot goth chick, and her hot sister, the hot dental assistant, and the hot girl who needed to make some gifts. And if I didn't have Jennifer (despite her being so far away) I would have totally hit on them! Especially the girl making the gifts *L* But then at least it would have been a mutual thing. The people at work (even some of the customers) were making jokes about her flirting with me. One of the gifts she's getting made is a coffee mug with somebodies picture on it. One of the customers said I should make a mug with my picture on it instead and give it to her in place of the real mug (which I'd hide under the counter or somthing). The'd be amusing...Good idea tho *L* A mug with my picture, name and number on it to give to her...heh heh...at any rate, Why is it that I seem to meet tons of girls when I've got somebody already in my life? And as soon things end between us, they all seem to disappear? Damnit! Well, hopefully things won't end between me and Jennifer. That's right folks...you heard it hear...I'm actually (for the first time ever) stating that I honestly think I could spend my life with her....Never thought the day would come, but I just love her that damn much. And hopefully when she gets here, all the good looking women won't seem so good looking anymore *L* (and hopefully the 16 year olds will quit asking for my damn number!)
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Happy New Year Kiddies! Hope you all had fun. I made about $50 …