The Used/Alexisonfire tonight! YEEAH!!! Awesome concert tonight. Better than System! Helps that I was on the floor for this show and that all the bands playing had some awesome stage presence. I'm in so much fuckin' pain I LOVE IT! Getting myself trashed in the mosh pit! Had someone dropped on my head (crowd surfer got me from behind) got a really good blow to the head, a shot in the mouth (the taste of blood was the sign that I should get out soon) and after head banging last night and tonight, I can barely move my neck now. So much fun! The skater pit was a little scary I avoided that. And I think I put a hole in somebodys shirt (oops). A crowder surfer got his shirt wrapped around the fork I wear on my wrist and I think I tore it. Oh well...*L* The shitty part tho is that there weren't any shirts there that I liked, so this is like the first concert I've ever gone to and haven't had a shirt to show for it. But it was still a hell of a show!
Next show: Thursday, November 3...Bad Religion YEEAH!
Next show: Thursday, November 3...Bad Religion YEEAH!
They are PIMPS!