I'm a fucking idiot. Especially when I get bored. With nothing better to do with my day off today, I decided to play with a fork, a pair of pliers and a torch. Can you guess where this is going? After heating the fork to the point of being red hot and using the pliers to bend it into the shape I wanted, the vice gave and everything went airborn....and do you think I was smart enough to wear safety glasses? Fuck no! so I caught it right along my nose, cheek bone and eye. Burnt the shit outta my eyelid and a bit on my eyebrow. Can't really see it tho, but you can really tell where the pliers got me. Hurts like FUCK! Especially where I burnt my eyebrow. It's amazing what I'll do for "art" and entertainment. But what really pisses me off is the fact that afterwards, I went back to finish it off, and when I was polishing it on the wire wheel it got caught and the wheel pulled it in and bent it all out of shape. So all that pain and work for nothing. Damnit! At least I'll get a good shiner outta the deal.