Little over due for an update, so here ye be...
5 year high school reunion last night. What a blast! I couldn't believe some of the people that were there. So good to see these people from H.S. again. And there were some I haven't seen since like grade 6! So yeah, I made sure to get lots of phone numbers, and in 2 weeks I'm doing a BBQ so hopefully a bunch of them will be there. The weirdest part was seeing my best friend from elementary and hanging out with him a bit. And it was weird to see people from school and notice they're pretty damn hot now, whereas in H.S. I never really noticed that about them, just cause we'd see eachother on a daily basis. So yeah, that's just what I need to be doing...adding more girls to my list, which increases my confusion level...Meh...fuck it. *L*
Ahhh...nostalgia. Gotta love it. And in 5 years, it happens again, but it'll be even bigger hopefully.
So today's another day of being hung over, so very little going on today. Easy night tonight. Gotta let the liver recover, yet again.
And about that BBQ mentioned earlier...Any one interested in attending, get in touch with me and I'll give ya' details. Hope to see some of ya there!!
5 year high school reunion last night. What a blast! I couldn't believe some of the people that were there. So good to see these people from H.S. again. And there were some I haven't seen since like grade 6! So yeah, I made sure to get lots of phone numbers, and in 2 weeks I'm doing a BBQ so hopefully a bunch of them will be there. The weirdest part was seeing my best friend from elementary and hanging out with him a bit. And it was weird to see people from school and notice they're pretty damn hot now, whereas in H.S. I never really noticed that about them, just cause we'd see eachother on a daily basis. So yeah, that's just what I need to be doing...adding more girls to my list, which increases my confusion level...Meh...fuck it. *L*
Ahhh...nostalgia. Gotta love it. And in 5 years, it happens again, but it'll be even bigger hopefully.
So today's another day of being hung over, so very little going on today. Easy night tonight. Gotta let the liver recover, yet again.
And about that BBQ mentioned earlier...Any one interested in attending, get in touch with me and I'll give ya' details. Hope to see some of ya there!!
happy bday man i hope you had a shitload of fun.

happy birthday. Now time to update to tell us about your birthday!