Ugh....SO hung over, but well worth it. Last night was the toga kegger party. Fuckin' awesome!!! It's been a long time since I was at a party like that. Unfortunately, there's lots from the night I don't remember. I do remember being the social butterfly (as per the norm) and also the hero. After being the first to hurf, I some how made it into the front yard (I don't know how tho) and passed out in Ash's lap. Good thing I met her last night *L* After regaining consciousness, Ash and I headed into my buddys room (who had just moved in that day and I was the one to christen his new room *L*) After she left, I passed out for an hour, came to again, and returned to the party. By this point I was known as "That dude that passed out on the front lawn" and everyone was proud that I didn't quit yet. That's when the Keg stands began! So needless to say it was a wild and crazy night. I was amazed that (despite the fact that I kept loosing everying) nothing went missing. I eventually lost my digital cam, and it apparently made the rounds so I've got pix of people I never even fuckin' saw. It's great. And the fact that it actually remained in the house makes me very happy. Other items I lost that December had to recover for me: Cd's, Cell phone, Car keys, Shirt. Once I get the pix into an online photo album, I'll link to it. In the mean time, I'm still trying to figure out what other chick I made out with. I think it was the sexy goth chick while her goth b/f was somewhere else...but I'm not 100% sure. I know there was 1 other's just a matter of who *L*
And now I've got to find a way to get this phone number off my arm. *L* Stick around for the pix people! hopefully I'm able to get them up tonight...but it's almost time to go back to bed...
And now I've got to find a way to get this phone number off my arm. *L* Stick around for the pix people! hopefully I'm able to get them up tonight...but it's almost time to go back to bed...
Are you still going to Warped?