Fuck it! I'm sick of all the bullshit!
You want me, come get me! Otherwise, go fuck yourself!
I'm not playing this "game" any more, so just fuck off!
Now for those of you not in the loop:
As you can probably tell, people fucking piss me off. They play their mother fucking games, and expect things to just wait for them. FUCK THAT! I put myself right there, and I only give one shot. you blow that shot, then the rest is up to you. You want that second shot, you fuckin' earn it! I only give up one. And you try playing more fuckin' games and I'll put your bitch-ass in it's place. Fuck you!
You want me, come get me! Otherwise, go fuck yourself!
I'm not playing this "game" any more, so just fuck off!
Now for those of you not in the loop:
As you can probably tell, people fucking piss me off. They play their mother fucking games, and expect things to just wait for them. FUCK THAT! I put myself right there, and I only give one shot. you blow that shot, then the rest is up to you. You want that second shot, you fuckin' earn it! I only give up one. And you try playing more fuckin' games and I'll put your bitch-ass in it's place. Fuck you!
but yes
definitely rad girl
just for that post!!!
everyones been so wonderful to me.
i let stupid stuff hurt me way too much
so what if most nobody likes me
if a few do its lal tha tmatters i guess
i just wish i were closer to them
.... especially a certain friend of yours
but she knows that already hahaha
and yes i know it doesnt always snow/isnt always cold in canadia
i was just stating its more likely than say here.....
where even being ass naked woudlnt help (in fact sunburn genitals... OUCH!)
yeah heh. only sunscreen is rather irritating too in places like that
--- also wind + shirt + nipples = windburn pain ouch.
im never sensitive there. but when that happens. ouch haha.
tmi/wierdness ended
and bro
mucho thanks