HUZZAH! Today has been a good day! (despite the strange appearance of snow this evening). Today I had a meeting with the owner of the company and they are promoting me to management, and the head designer of my store! SWEET! I'm so stoked! And with this promotion comes an eventual raise! After my 3 month management probation I should be seeing an increase in wages (unless I can convince them to give it to me early) which will be awesome seeing as how my rent is going up to $1000/mth in August and gas companies have decided to stop spitting on the nozzle before raping us with their prices. So needless to say, things are going very well!
With this promotion came 2 positives and 2 negatives. At first they were thinking of sending me to a different store to manage, but decided to keep me at the store I'm at and move the manager to a different location. The positives: I get to stay in a place I like, with customers I know. And I get to continue working with a co-worker that is a ton of fun to work with. The negatives: I now have to do all the design work for that douche that I almost punched out a few months back. He and I don't exactly get along and see eye to eye....Second negative, I still have to work with a co-worker that I don't particularly care for. She is unable to make her own decisions, and pouts to much. Yes, that's right, I said POUTS! she sticks out her bottom lip when nobody makes a decision for her and pouts! Plus she hovers. She can't find something to do, so she hovers around us at the computer and watches us. Bugs the hell outta me! But now that I'm in charge, if she's doing that, she has time to clean the bathroom. Wash the windows. Sweep/Mop the floors. She'll learn to find work and not hover!
All in all, the 2 positives totally out weigh the 2 negatives. They don't even compare. I'm really looking forward to this next step. I can't wait!
With this promotion came 2 positives and 2 negatives. At first they were thinking of sending me to a different store to manage, but decided to keep me at the store I'm at and move the manager to a different location. The positives: I get to stay in a place I like, with customers I know. And I get to continue working with a co-worker that is a ton of fun to work with. The negatives: I now have to do all the design work for that douche that I almost punched out a few months back. He and I don't exactly get along and see eye to eye....Second negative, I still have to work with a co-worker that I don't particularly care for. She is unable to make her own decisions, and pouts to much. Yes, that's right, I said POUTS! she sticks out her bottom lip when nobody makes a decision for her and pouts! Plus she hovers. She can't find something to do, so she hovers around us at the computer and watches us. Bugs the hell outta me! But now that I'm in charge, if she's doing that, she has time to clean the bathroom. Wash the windows. Sweep/Mop the floors. She'll learn to find work and not hover!
All in all, the 2 positives totally out weigh the 2 negatives. They don't even compare. I'm really looking forward to this next step. I can't wait!