So I finally sold the El Camino today
Didn't manage to get quite as much as I wanted for it, but I had to get rid of it. So I had to let it go for $2700. I'm gonna cry when the guy drives it away next week. I love that thing. It was an amazing piece of machinery and the power it has was fantastic! The only street race I lost was against my friends super coupe....but even tho he had a super charger and I didn't I still gave him a good run for his money. I couldn't get past him, but he couldn't quite get away from me either. So apparently the guy who's buying it is gonna turn it into a project car, so I told him to keep me posted on the progress and to send me pictures as he's working on it. Who knows, when all is said and done, if he wants to sell it, I may see about buying it back!
But, I guess it's good to be getting it gone. That's a good piece of change to put down on my loan. But part of me is still really attached to it. Gonna have to get one last picture of me sitting in it, just to blow it up and make into a poster.

Didn't manage to get quite as much as I wanted for it, but I had to get rid of it. So I had to let it go for $2700. I'm gonna cry when the guy drives it away next week. I love that thing. It was an amazing piece of machinery and the power it has was fantastic! The only street race I lost was against my friends super coupe....but even tho he had a super charger and I didn't I still gave him a good run for his money. I couldn't get past him, but he couldn't quite get away from me either. So apparently the guy who's buying it is gonna turn it into a project car, so I told him to keep me posted on the progress and to send me pictures as he's working on it. Who knows, when all is said and done, if he wants to sell it, I may see about buying it back!
But, I guess it's good to be getting it gone. That's a good piece of change to put down on my loan. But part of me is still really attached to it. Gonna have to get one last picture of me sitting in it, just to blow it up and make into a poster.