Few things to report:
So to destress a bit, I've got a week booked off in the middle of October. I was hoping for the end of the month so I could get some buddy passes to make a trip to Ontario but doesn't look like that's happening now unless I can find the $300 needed to buy my tickets. Hopefully I can work something out, cause if I have to stay in this city during my week off I'm gonna go nutz!
Had an audition for a tv commercial last tuesday, apparently I had the perfect build type for the part. Who said being a scrawney little white kid was bad *L* To bad I can't act! Jana's sister called me and asked if I'd be interested. figured why the hell not, got nothing better to do and it'll be an experience. Guess I didn't get the part tho. Meh. oh well. Would have been a nice piece of change tho! roughly $1200. damn!
Black Dahlia Movie - has NOTHING to do with the actual murder! So dissappointed. It's based on a fictional book happening around the factual murder. Sucked!
So now you're all caught up, and I'm starting to burn out, so I guess it's bed time.
So to destress a bit, I've got a week booked off in the middle of October. I was hoping for the end of the month so I could get some buddy passes to make a trip to Ontario but doesn't look like that's happening now unless I can find the $300 needed to buy my tickets. Hopefully I can work something out, cause if I have to stay in this city during my week off I'm gonna go nutz!
Had an audition for a tv commercial last tuesday, apparently I had the perfect build type for the part. Who said being a scrawney little white kid was bad *L* To bad I can't act! Jana's sister called me and asked if I'd be interested. figured why the hell not, got nothing better to do and it'll be an experience. Guess I didn't get the part tho. Meh. oh well. Would have been a nice piece of change tho! roughly $1200. damn!
Black Dahlia Movie - has NOTHING to do with the actual murder! So dissappointed. It's based on a fictional book happening around the factual murder. Sucked!
So now you're all caught up, and I'm starting to burn out, so I guess it's bed time.
I bought mine at Sears. I just got really bored on the weekend and went to look for no reason and there it was. It ended up only costing me $211 with tax because there was some crazy sale on. I am so happy with it, but my old stereo was also a piece so anything is better
