I think my body is rejecting my eyebrow ring for some reason and starting to force it out. FUCK! I think it has something to do with the fact that it got infected either last week, or the week before because I've had nothing but problems with it since. Really fuckin' hurts, been squeezing little bits of puss out of it every now and then, and it's crusting up. Shit! So I'm currently in "medical attention" mode, and starting to re-apply the sea salt mixture to it. Gotta remember to go out and get some Q-tips for easier cleaning and maintenance. If I can't stop this, and it does eventually work it's way out, I don't know if I'll redo it after it's healed or not. Guess we'll wait and see.
As for the weekend, it was awesome (well, most of it). Saturday I had to work during the day (hence the part that wasn't so awesome), but Jana brought me lunch and a slurpee for my sore throat (which she also gave me!) So during her visit to my store the time went by nice and fast, so that was great. Then saturday night jana, one of her friends and myself went out to Airdrie for a lil bit to see Just play. Good times. They're such a fun band. Rest of the night was the remainder of out Seinfeld marathon, which I had a hard time staying awake for (due to some cold pills). Today was our Movie Day. Spent like, the whole day on the couch watching Party Monster, Waiting, The Hills Have Eyes, Requiem For A Dream and some more Seinfeld. Movies was the perfect way to spend the day because the cold I have has moved up into my sinuses, so relaxing and vegging out makes me feel beter. So all in all, a great weekend. I really enjoyed being able to spend that much time with her. Hopefully I'll get to do it again soon. Right now I'm really happy with the way things are going with her. We have a lot of fun together, and are able to tease and make fun of each other with some pretty mean and snide comments, but we both know it's all in good fun. She's such good times!
Finally, tomorrow I talk to my boss and find out if I can have the necessary time off to go to New York next weekend, then gotta confirm with my brother that we're going. My nephew broke his foot the other day so he may have to cancel the trip to stay around with him. Guess we'll wait and see.
Oh, and here's a B&W of my next tatty. Colours: Gold all around the outside, silver helm, border and arrow's, Red field, gold buckles, and silver and red checker across the front.

As for the weekend, it was awesome (well, most of it). Saturday I had to work during the day (hence the part that wasn't so awesome), but Jana brought me lunch and a slurpee for my sore throat (which she also gave me!) So during her visit to my store the time went by nice and fast, so that was great. Then saturday night jana, one of her friends and myself went out to Airdrie for a lil bit to see Just play. Good times. They're such a fun band. Rest of the night was the remainder of out Seinfeld marathon, which I had a hard time staying awake for (due to some cold pills). Today was our Movie Day. Spent like, the whole day on the couch watching Party Monster, Waiting, The Hills Have Eyes, Requiem For A Dream and some more Seinfeld. Movies was the perfect way to spend the day because the cold I have has moved up into my sinuses, so relaxing and vegging out makes me feel beter. So all in all, a great weekend. I really enjoyed being able to spend that much time with her. Hopefully I'll get to do it again soon. Right now I'm really happy with the way things are going with her. We have a lot of fun together, and are able to tease and make fun of each other with some pretty mean and snide comments, but we both know it's all in good fun. She's such good times!
Finally, tomorrow I talk to my boss and find out if I can have the necessary time off to go to New York next weekend, then gotta confirm with my brother that we're going. My nephew broke his foot the other day so he may have to cancel the trip to stay around with him. Guess we'll wait and see.
Oh, and here's a B&W of my next tatty. Colours: Gold all around the outside, silver helm, border and arrow's, Red field, gold buckles, and silver and red checker across the front.

(my crests for both sides suck;\ )
Hehe. Glad you enjoy her company. And enjoyed the weekend.
Sorry about the eyebrow piercing man. Hopefully you don't get any bad infections or anything, it can always be redone at worst. :\
But if good luck is with you, it won't reject or infect.
that sucks man. hope you still get to go to ny and enjoy yerself!
and thanks for the well wishes! stay tuned for the photoblog of my recovery....