: : U P D A T E : :
So Karma is kicking my ass today for getting that number last night *L* Got barely any sleep, woke up late for work, had a tire blow out on the way to work, found out I don't have a tire iron in my truck so I couldn't change it, got it to a shop to put 2 brand new tires on (rather than just running on my spare), had to cab it to and from work, been feeling sick on and off all day and now I'm getting a cold sore. Damn Karma!
: : E N D U P D A T E : :
So, I dunno if I should feel bad or not....
A few weeks ago, me and a buddy of mine went to Jamesons for a couple of beers and the waitress we had told us that we had to start sitting in her section from now on...Ok...No problem.
Jump ahead about 2 weeks...a group of us go out for wings and beer (like we usually do) and we sit in the waitresses section. She's thrilled to see me and meets my other friends. According to December (and 1 other person) she'd been checking him out a couple times throughout the night.
Tonight we go out for wings and beer again, and I tell December that I'll step down if he decides he wants to hit on her. Sure enough, he wants to, so I tone it down and just shoot the shit with her and have a regular conversation. I don't show any kind of major interest in her at all. Sadly, December doesn't show much either. He makes little comments here and there to drop slight hints, but nothing major.
At the end of the night, the waitress asks me if she can draw a smiley face on me, so of course I'm gonna let her. And, without even really thinking about it, I asked if her number came with that smiley...and sure enough...it did.
Now, not only was I not expecting to get her number, but I felt bad for December who wanted to get it. I appologized to him several times, but really, the kid never really stepped up either. So I don't know if I should feel bad, or not. I dunno. Maybe a good nights sleep will help me think a little clearer (that and once the slight inebreation (sp?) wears off it should be a little better) But I told her I'd be back to see her on Saturday, so we'll see what happens. But hey, she's really attractive, and has an awesome personality so we'll see what comes of this.
So Karma is kicking my ass today for getting that number last night *L* Got barely any sleep, woke up late for work, had a tire blow out on the way to work, found out I don't have a tire iron in my truck so I couldn't change it, got it to a shop to put 2 brand new tires on (rather than just running on my spare), had to cab it to and from work, been feeling sick on and off all day and now I'm getting a cold sore. Damn Karma!
: : E N D U P D A T E : :
So, I dunno if I should feel bad or not....
A few weeks ago, me and a buddy of mine went to Jamesons for a couple of beers and the waitress we had told us that we had to start sitting in her section from now on...Ok...No problem.
Jump ahead about 2 weeks...a group of us go out for wings and beer (like we usually do) and we sit in the waitresses section. She's thrilled to see me and meets my other friends. According to December (and 1 other person) she'd been checking him out a couple times throughout the night.
Tonight we go out for wings and beer again, and I tell December that I'll step down if he decides he wants to hit on her. Sure enough, he wants to, so I tone it down and just shoot the shit with her and have a regular conversation. I don't show any kind of major interest in her at all. Sadly, December doesn't show much either. He makes little comments here and there to drop slight hints, but nothing major.
At the end of the night, the waitress asks me if she can draw a smiley face on me, so of course I'm gonna let her. And, without even really thinking about it, I asked if her number came with that smiley...and sure enough...it did.
Now, not only was I not expecting to get her number, but I felt bad for December who wanted to get it. I appologized to him several times, but really, the kid never really stepped up either. So I don't know if I should feel bad, or not. I dunno. Maybe a good nights sleep will help me think a little clearer (that and once the slight inebreation (sp?) wears off it should be a little better) But I told her I'd be back to see her on Saturday, so we'll see what happens. But hey, she's really attractive, and has an awesome personality so we'll see what comes of this.
tell him he missed the boat and apologize and try to find someone whod be interested in him
then use that number too -shrug-
its not your fault you did the noble thing but shit.
then again i cant say definitely not to
because id be just as bad off as December was... i'm... clueless -laughs-
(and woudlnt know what to say/do even if i got the number etc. go fig haha.)
eh nothin you can do about it bro
beastus needs some sensitivity training courses obviously