My fuckin' head is killing me. Why you ask? Because it got cracked open at the bar tonight *LOL* Nothin quite like asking the waitress for a napkin and explaining it's to clean the blood off your head, not for cleaning up a spilled drink. But at least the waitress who actually likes me brought me an ice pak (after smacking me a few times for being a schmuck) but hey, I had fun at the bar tonight, so the swelling/bruising/bleeding was worth it. And it's only a small cut, so there's nothing to worry about. I couldn't help but laugh when I found out there was a nurse at the bar who wanted to see my head to make sure it wasn't anything serious *L*. Pictures may follow. I dunno. But now it's time for sleep. G'night all!
i'm glad you are alright.... what happened to crack your head open?