Ok, so I know I said my last posting was my last for '05, but that's changed...however it's just to ask a question...hopefully I'll hear some thoughts and opinions on it.
So today minutes after discussing how I want to go back to Missouri for Jennifer and looking at the pictures of us in the photo booth when I was there, I went to get into a shower and when I took off the necklace I got from her it broke and the shells went EVERYWHERE...lost a bunch down the drain too. Is this a bad sign?
So today minutes after discussing how I want to go back to Missouri for Jennifer and looking at the pictures of us in the photo booth when I was there, I went to get into a shower and when I took off the necklace I got from her it broke and the shells went EVERYWHERE...lost a bunch down the drain too. Is this a bad sign?
Dude, I wanna go to MO too....
Or New York.
Or Texas.
Or somewhere that's not SK.
HEY, everyone's gotta have a goal, right?
Mmmmkay I'm out for now.
Ok.... end of bitching. haha thanks for the love.