Still not in the greatest mood, but here's an update anyways:
Bad Religion concert tonight...KICKED ASS. Crowned King opened first...awesome, then Anti-Flag...Fuckin' Awesome, then Bad Religion. So fuckin' awesome! haven't been to a show that lound in quite some time....Had a blast.
In other news, fucked up my hand pretty bad last saturday, but only because friend wouldn't let me punch out her b/f. so instead I hit a wall, bruised all 4 fingers (they're quite purple) brusied the back and side of my hand really bad, busted open 2 knuckles and even managed to bruise the palm of my hand. Never hit something hard enough to do that. pinkie still really hurts, can't bend it, but it's no longer twice the size it should have been...and the knuckle can be seen again...the swelling has gone down enough to see it. but it still hurts like hell. but next time I see that little mother fucker I'm going to beat his ass into the ground. He treats her like complete shit, and he attacks me and gets all in my face....and I'm not allowed to hit him, because I promised her (his g/f, my best friend) I wouldn't. he's damn lucky. with the way I hit the wall, it prolly would have broken his jaw. even his friends made me promise not to hit him because I'd break him. but now all bets are off. Roommate is hunting for him too, because he pulled a knife on the roomie. So he's a marked man, and had better hope we don't cross paths again. He thinks he can take me...but he's the only one who thinks it. So needless to say, I've been pretty pissed off lately.
Bad Religion concert tonight...KICKED ASS. Crowned King opened first...awesome, then Anti-Flag...Fuckin' Awesome, then Bad Religion. So fuckin' awesome! haven't been to a show that lound in quite some time....Had a blast.
In other news, fucked up my hand pretty bad last saturday, but only because friend wouldn't let me punch out her b/f. so instead I hit a wall, bruised all 4 fingers (they're quite purple) brusied the back and side of my hand really bad, busted open 2 knuckles and even managed to bruise the palm of my hand. Never hit something hard enough to do that. pinkie still really hurts, can't bend it, but it's no longer twice the size it should have been...and the knuckle can be seen again...the swelling has gone down enough to see it. but it still hurts like hell. but next time I see that little mother fucker I'm going to beat his ass into the ground. He treats her like complete shit, and he attacks me and gets all in my face....and I'm not allowed to hit him, because I promised her (his g/f, my best friend) I wouldn't. he's damn lucky. with the way I hit the wall, it prolly would have broken his jaw. even his friends made me promise not to hit him because I'd break him. but now all bets are off. Roommate is hunting for him too, because he pulled a knife on the roomie. So he's a marked man, and had better hope we don't cross paths again. He thinks he can take me...but he's the only one who thinks it. So needless to say, I've been pretty pissed off lately.