K, I'm like half ripped right now, so don't be surprised if there's spelling errors in this or if ti dosn't make any sense.
Today's been an absolutely awesome day! The company I work for offerd to pay for me to go back to School to upgrade and give me an apprenticeship! HUZZAH! I'm so excited.;
in other news: I went and saw Doom tongiht with a couple of buddies tonight. It was actually pretty damn cool. Had a little cheesyness to it, but what do you expect from a movie based on a game. But the first person perspective was fuckin cool!!! And trippy as cool...be kinda cool to see that movie high *L*
Also, I really wish I could make a post about what I got Jennifer fo her birthday, but because she sometimes reads this, it prolly iasn't a good idea. But if anyone is truely intersted, let me know via email or somthign and i'll fill ya in...either that or I'll do a posting for members only to see...the everyone can find out. but we'll see wehre thigns go.
but I"ver eally gotta crash. Yesterda was a 22 hour day with like 4.5 hours sleep...and I've gotta be a work in like 6 hours, so I really should see what I can do about sleep. hope everyone esle had a good firday night!!!
G'night All!!
Today's been an absolutely awesome day! The company I work for offerd to pay for me to go back to School to upgrade and give me an apprenticeship! HUZZAH! I'm so excited.;
in other news: I went and saw Doom tongiht with a couple of buddies tonight. It was actually pretty damn cool. Had a little cheesyness to it, but what do you expect from a movie based on a game. But the first person perspective was fuckin cool!!! And trippy as cool...be kinda cool to see that movie high *L*
Also, I really wish I could make a post about what I got Jennifer fo her birthday, but because she sometimes reads this, it prolly iasn't a good idea. But if anyone is truely intersted, let me know via email or somthign and i'll fill ya in...either that or I'll do a posting for members only to see...the everyone can find out. but we'll see wehre thigns go.
but I"ver eally gotta crash. Yesterda was a 22 hour day with like 4.5 hours sleep...and I've gotta be a work in like 6 hours, so I really should see what I can do about sleep. hope everyone esle had a good firday night!!!
G'night All!!