Damn family drama...

Was supposed to spend the weekend with Vienna. With her new job we only get to see each other on weekends until about the end of April, so we were both looking forward to this weekend. 3 hours into the night, she gets a call and has to leave due to family drama. Grrr....So much going on to keep us from seeing...
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hope things work out for ya. frown
K...new g/f has already said stuff to make me nervous...Should just let it go, but I didn't. So I have no one to blame but myself for this. We've just started dating, and the other day she and I were talking (this was on our lazy day when we didn't get outta bed) and she started to say "I imagine..." then stopped and said never...
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Breaking up is hard, no matter what words are used.
So rather than freak out - enjoy it wink And don't worry about breaking up.
So many people have told me they loved me right off. It is freakish how many actually. GODDAMN HOW CUTE I AM! Just kidding wink

Seriously though, I don't think it is worth breaking up over, I never have. I always just joked around about it if I didn't want to say it back and it never caused me any problems. I think as long as you are just honest about your feelings and considerate of hers things will probably go really well.

I bet my cheeks will actually be so gross oink
So welcome to the FIRST completely lazy day of 2007. I don't mean lazy, as in, laze around the house, spend most of the day on the couch, etc. I mean completely lazy! Vienna and I didn't climb outta bed until 7pm! We had been up since 11:30, but just decided to spend the day in bed. It was nice to just spend the day...
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K, this weekend SUCKED (but at the same time it didn't)! My plans for the entire weekend got shot to hell so I decided to sleep away all of saturday, save for some Wii time at my buddies place.

Today I hung out with my brother all day. Went to the Motorcycle show, he almost bought a new bike. I was tempted to see if...
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I want to go.
To drive.
To nowhere in particular.
Just to get away.
Just for the road.
Abandon my job, just to drive.
Become an asphalt cowboy and see where the road takes me.
No real direction.
Just away.

This summer.
Me and my 2 closest friends.
The open road, and a car.

First I get this urge to leave it all.
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Because you might have missed my comment on your last entry:

It's obviously a sign!
I've driven to Vegas a few times. It's a lot of fun. smile
definately a sign. i'd love to go to... not vegas, but california. i should maybe wait another year until i'm an RN so that i can work when i'm there...
Happy New Year Kiddies!

Hope you all had fun.

I made about $50 playing poker, drank way to much, set off fireworks and firecrackers, fucked up with one and burnt my wrist and was deaf in my right ear for a couple hours, and have slept pretty much the entire day away trying to recover.

Now I feel like I've been hit by a bus,...
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Obviously a sign!

I went to a friends party on New Years and this girl hit on me all night. It was okay.
Ok, so because it's technically after midnight, and therefore x-mas, let me start with MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

Now on to my issues.

Involved parties: me, girl A, and girl B.

I've had an interest in girl A for a while now, but haven't been able to get a read from her as to where her interests lie in me. I've invested a lot of time...
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I think New Years will consist of some low key drinking with a couple of friends. One of our friends is still only 17 so we can't go do anything crazy and we don't want to just ditch her. I haven't heard of any house parties or anything so we'll probably just hang out at my place. Exciting night hey? I wish I could get smashed and go out to dance
yeah.........Work be takin up all my nekkid ladies time mad

Work/Vortex....both'll kill ya in the endwink

happy holly's to you n yourswinkbiggrin
i'm back in england indefinately. until i find somehwere better to fuck off too wink
happy holidays x
Thanks to Zenfish for leading me onto the path for the artist I was looking for. Ron English, and he's got some bad-ass creepy works...check out some of his stuff HERE I love it!

HERE'S a better pic of the print I got. No fucked up lighting/colour
glad you found the guy.

i knew it was that one. wink
I bought a new print yesterday and I love how sinister it is. Even better is the fact that the eyes are on you as soon as you walk in the apartment, and they follow you! I would like to know who the artist is, and see more of his/her work. The name on the print is English...if anybody has any other info on the...
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That is really weird.......... you are really weird wink
woah, that's scary surreal
so I had to inform my mom what I was doing for x-mas this year. apparently me sitting at home alone this year isn't an option. Damnit! So I guess that means I'm going with her and her b/f to his parents place for dinner. fuck. Maybe I'll try to find a way out of it. I'm just way to uncomfortable and feel way to...
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So, being that time of year again, tonight was the night to decorate Wheelz' place for x-mas. original plans were for last night, but due to him having to work late, and my brother throwing a poker game, it got put off a day. Now those of you who know me, know I hate x-mas and I use the decorating night as an excuse to...
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