Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all have a fucking blast!
Hey babes ... so sorry, but you've been deleted from the always wonderful "friends-list".
Its nothing personal .. I just dont really know you, and thats why Gods created that bookmark feature.

Im just not ready for this commitment now .. maybe if we take it slow, I might be ready to make that jump.
You shudder like beauty
Discover tase candy sweet
A naked flower golden with pleasure
Drink the breath of firece agony
Yearn for me, for something.

I whisper shockingly private, always ache
Morning exquisite, raw, dirty
Sleep, cuddle and kiss him faithful
Caress tongues, swallow violent ecstacy
Worship my everything, inside velvet wild
Fondle, bite, plunge into mysterious torment
Glisten through hungery eccentric poetry
Ah well, I've been slowly trying to talk to this girl who seems pretty cool, but she isn't very talkative. If I can get through this one time, maybe I'll be able to get through in others...
oh the usual sorts of mischied, laying about, spending too much time looking at naked girls, living a generally hedonistic lifestyle :-D

How about yourself, how is life in SB treating you?
City college blows! And the parking is a fucking nightmare! If there wasn't this big ass hill for me to walk down/up i would so walk as opposed to drive. Seriously this parking horror is ruining my enjoyment of my last year at CC! Other than that my life is wonderful, my classes are awesome (except foe history which I'd rather sleep through) and I...
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nice tatto
Well then, another in Santa Barbara, how goes it? Oh and I agree, D.P. is terrible, but there IS something sickeningly appealing to D.P. on Halloween.
Well the hot fire dancers never got to perform *tear* but the Loud Ass Bitches crew was tending bar, at least we got to look at them. Although nothing compares to a hot girl playing with fire. The party rocked and I danced my ass off to my two favorite DJs doing a 2x4 set. It was awesome,but there were way more hot girls than...
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Well, there are a lot of songs that come and go for me, being an odd, odd person, but the one that is my favorite seems to have held as: Change, one of the last songs created by one of my favorite bands: Boingo (or Oingo Boingo or...well a lot of other names). Anyway, I can't really say why I like it exactly, it's just a crazy, weird song with a little bit of meaning and a whole lot of sound. I'll show you yours if you show me mine... wink
About to go to Elevate. I can't wait, it's only a few hours away and I'm so antsy. Good drum and bass, hot chicks playing with fire, what more could you ask for? I'm taking the Macedonian with me, she just moved down to LA so we're hanging. Hopefully she'll spin fire too, she's really fuckin hot when she spins fire. love Anyway she's cooking me...
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Stupid people = bad...most of the time

GTA: SA = Not as good as VC...

Hot fire spinners = ...hot
Please mind my picture until I figure out how to fix it... kiss
I'm sorry yesterday sucked so bad! He wasn't worth it then if he said those things to you (ho to the scummiest power). No one deserves to have that be told to them. There are much much much better guys out there (when you've decided that they're not so sucky anymore) and for now, there are good friends out there too. Hope a couple of good nights of sleep have helped and you're feeling a bit better.
I'm getting the hang of this cyber world thing. A friend put me up on my space too so I'm having more practice. Thanks for the cheery message, and I am feeling a bit better, although you guys still all suck. Going to Elevate in LA tonight, good drum and bass, hot chicks playing with fire and much much more. I can't wait!!!! smile
So this is my first journal entry and I'm clueless... How the hell does this work?