Jefferson Airplane - Surrealistic Pillow may be one of the most perfect albums ever recorded. I like the rest of the Airplane catalog quite a bit, but this one just has something extra that provides cohesion from start to finish.
Today I am working on a 1978 Fender Pro Reverb. These amps are not very collectable due to changes in the circuitry from the 1960's models. I have already removed the old circuit board & will spend the afternoon building a new one to 1965 specs. If I stay motivated, it'll be a brand new amp sometime this weekend.
SGBurlesque tomorrow night. Should be fun!
Today I am working on a 1978 Fender Pro Reverb. These amps are not very collectable due to changes in the circuitry from the 1960's models. I have already removed the old circuit board & will spend the afternoon building a new one to 1965 specs. If I stay motivated, it'll be a brand new amp sometime this weekend.
SGBurlesque tomorrow night. Should be fun!