So Sydfloyd and I went to The Girls of The Church calendar release party. It was super cool. I met Morticia and got to talk to Rox for a little bit. I got out on the dance floor for a second or two...I think it was to pick up a dollar someone had dropped...or go upstairs...or something...yeah...and their are no pictures of it either. But, I do have these...
...she wouldn't give it back either! I practacly had to jump the I lie...and this where I look...not good...
...but thats hard to do standing next to some one like her. Well, anyway, it was fun.
edited due to my poor spelling abilities...thanks Syd

...she wouldn't give it back either! I practacly had to jump the I lie...and this where I look...not good...

...but thats hard to do standing next to some one like her. Well, anyway, it was fun.
edited due to my poor spelling abilities...thanks Syd

rox: dress is falling off!