Grrr on the internet! The router that we are using is fucking up on us so, every so often, I have to unplug the modem and router, plug them back in and restart my computer. Its really anoying when I'm trying to chat with someone. Other than that things are fine. My thumb is healing, work is tiring and Im atempting to eat a little better. Im probably going to Dallas to the Church for Rox's calander release party with Sidfloyd. Next week, cookout at another friends new house that they are renting. I might go to the ren faire sometime soon to see the ole drum group. My roomates birthday is coming up sometime in the near future. Weee fun at the house and a hint of sarcasm.
better submit this before the net craps out again
better submit this before the net craps out again
We're going? Yay!
Sneaky with the name changing....