I HAVE LOST 11LBS TO TWO WEEKS!!!!! I have been walking 10,000 steps a day and doing weight watchers. The weight is just melting off. <3

It looks like Rob and I will be moving to Portland Oregon June 2013. After talking with his brother that lives in Portland, it just seems like a good life plan. So Rob and I are going to be hard at work to save up money and pay off some bills at the same time. Our plan for saving money is...
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So Its that time again. Time for me to look for the last year. Remember time good times and try to forget to bad. And thanks to Facebook timeline that just got easier. (lolz)

So after looking for the last year on my Facebook timeline. My year all in all was ok. The beginning of the year was rough. I had to deal with my...
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Yesterday we got our first really snow storm. We got a total of 6 inches of snow. The driving home last night was pretty rough. But my car kicks butt in the snow so I had not worried. This morning was pretty with the fresh snow fall and sunshine. When I got to work today I found out that I don't have tomorrow off anymore...
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Its day 7 of 9. I can't wait to get a day off. I think I'm going to sleep all day Wednesday. Still not sure if I will make it to my parents this year for Thanksgiving. But we'll see. I have been working hard at trying to lose this weight. Instead of trying to lose 40lb. I only want to lose 20lb. baby steps....
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Its Blog time again.

I feel like Im waiting for the other shoe to down. I hate feeling like something bad is waiting for me just around the corner. My mom dont have the feeling, so that good. I keep thinking maybe its because October makes me feel sad now. October was my favorite month of the year. The fall leaves start to change, pumpkin...
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January 8th 2010

Well the New Year is here and its time for me to reflect on the past year and about what I am looking forward to this year.

2009 all in all was a great year. It started out rough with Rob losing his job at RCG (Red Cedar Grill) and unable to find a job in till March. Things are going well...
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So yeah my boyfriend of 4 years Josh and I broke up at the begining of the month. So things have been crazy for me around here, having to find a new place to live and all. My new boy Rob, Is a doll face. I love him so much.

Ok I'm out Peace
Sunday December 16th 2007

I wake up for work at 5:45am, and find that my green world has changed to white. Over night we got 7 inches of snow, and it's STILL snowing. I had no drive way, so My heart Josh and his mankick Richard shoved out the drive way for me, so I could go to work. I love my boys. So here...
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Hello my peoples,

So time once again for my one a month update.


First off myself.

I am doing well.
Work is going ok. Unlike retail, the hotels are in the slow season right now. So I just check people out, make a couple rev. here and there. Read a book, check my email and go home. We are getting a new gm so,...
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So here is what has been happening to me the last couple of weeks.

March 17th, 2007

I thought I had plans with Bob to go to City Club. Bob called me about 4:30ish, day of . and said his car was actoring up. So he canceled ours plans. So I called Josh all sick, and told him to call Liz (the babysitted). Then out...
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We're having a holiday party. Will you be attending?