So tomorrow marks the beginning of my grad school career. After weeks and weeks of confusion, phone calls, emails and school visits, I've finally been able to register for my courses the day before the start. How settling and understanding colleges can be of the potential future of the rest of your life. That's sarcasm if you couldn't obviously tell. I'm sure everyone has the same issues but having attended 3 different colleges, 2 undergrads and now grad, they all seem to lack the ability to have a correctly functioning registration/admissions office. Maybe I'm just naive about the whole situation. I'm sure it hard to work in those departments. Half of the students have no clue what classes to sign up for, or when. Little Timmy's mommy calling in complaining how they run there shit, I'm compassionate. I can understand its hard work, but the system just sucks I guess. It would be nice if the courses you were supposed to take where available and you were actually able to sign up for those classes ahead of time and be prepared for them. But no. Life doesn't work out into nice neat packages. Something I need to keep in mind I guess. I don't know why I haven't learned it by now. When something goes wrong, that old saying applies to me, it happens almost always in threes. Anyways, enough bitching about college...