I just spent the past 5 hours putting furniture together, fucking lame.
Is it bad that I actually look foward to school on my days off? Cause it's kinda scurry.
Yesterday I got bored and drove over to Indiana to get some shots of Louiisville. Standing there looking at our skyline makes me realize how much this place really does suck. I can't wait to move out to San Francisco, it just felt like home when I was out there. I'm just so over this place, it has nother to offer me but hicks and wiggers.
And don't forget people, National Beans on Toast Day is coming up!

Is it bad that I actually look foward to school on my days off? Cause it's kinda scurry.
Yesterday I got bored and drove over to Indiana to get some shots of Louiisville. Standing there looking at our skyline makes me realize how much this place really does suck. I can't wait to move out to San Francisco, it just felt like home when I was out there. I'm just so over this place, it has nother to offer me but hicks and wiggers.
And don't forget people, National Beans on Toast Day is coming up!

you've obviously never been to Georgia or Alabama.
if you are still looking for a model to shoot when im back in louisville for the summer i would totally be up for that. hopefully i will have sent in my next set by them but i will probably be ready to shoot another