Si ego agam last uno solis occasum vela antequam super mare aeternitate spe utinam permitteretis me tibi ut quis.
(If I were to spend my last sunset with one person before I sailed away upon the sea of everlasting eternity, I would hope you would allow me that person to be you.)
(Yeah, it's not a perfect translation...but I don't speak latin, and google translate... Read More
So, it's been an interesting couple of months. Got arrested for something that I didn't do. The charges were dropped, but it lead to and interesting situation. I was bailed out by the roommate of my current FWB, Sara. The only condition to her bailing me out was that I had to move in with her and Sara. Well, things are quickly going to hell... Read More of my favorite SGs apparently got breast implants sometime over the past few months while my account was inactive. That's a shame, because she was perfect to begin with.
I just don't understand the fascination with big breasts. I tend to prefer them smaller, a handful or a little more, but I know that some women do it because it boosts their self-esteem.
Really Kelli? I don't have a part in this fight that you two are having, and now you don't want to be friends anymore because I still talk to and hang out with her? Guess we just weren't meant to be friends then.
You'd think, being 27, that you wouldn't act like a high school kid anymore, but I guess that's not necessarily true.