Been sleeping again. Rearranged the sleep schedule while we were at it. No more super-late nights. Got a memory foam mattress pad. *sighs dreamily* My back almost doesn't hurt anymore.
I hate not being able to sleep. I hate getting up in the morning with immense back pain. I hate... my fucking mattress. Unsupportive low-life bastard, it is. And it's only 5 months old too. Fucker.
Excuse me while I go back to being in immense pain (because the back pain never fully goes away anymore).
LOL, you have the back pain too? Fucking sucks doesn't it? They tried to send me home from work today but I sucked up the back pain. I told everyone that I was Jersey made so the pain didn't faze me. I was agonizing on the inside though, no shit, but hey, I survived it. Rock and roll babeeeeeeeee..........L8er.........Aj
Sooo.....they charge about normal cost for custom boots. You just have to wait awhile till the factory makes it and ships it out to the states. That is the only drawback. If you want extra stuff added (like I had a metal kick guard added to one of the styles), you just pay for the added stuff. I haven't seen my credit card bill yet so I'm not sure how much they charged me. I'll let you know when I get the bill!
hi... thanks being SO cute on my journal... how is the great state of PA? i dont miss my time in harrisburg... but i do miss the record connection in ephrata!
So it's been a while since I updated... not much has happened, though. I did get to see the lovely Squeak at the Fairie Festival on Sunday. She, as always, was positively adorably squeaky. And I, as always, was insanely antisocial.
I miss my blue hair. I dyed it back to a natural brown a few weeks ago due to boredom and laziness (it was... Read More
I haven't been updating too much here... hell, I haven't even been updating lj too much lately (though 6 of my last 10 posts there were public, which is totally unlike me, but as some were auction/soap sale related, they needed to be public).
Ahhh... I'm having a soap/bath bomb sale! And you know, everyone needs soap at one point or another, and mine totally... Read More
Well, when you put it up on the site, let me know.. cause I'm going to be buying about 3 or 4 corsets in the next couple of months. I really really really like that corset cause it would look good against my skin tones and whatnot. Plus I'd rather give the buisness to someone who's on SG than some random.
So I got some awesome handmade Cthulhu barrettes in the mail today from a girl in Switzerland and they are broken. The bubble envelope they were in looks like it was attacked by rabid postal workers... there's a very obvious footprint on it, and the back side's shredded. Fuckers. Fortunately she's replacing them, but still... it sucks that... Read More
Look for Ami H. in 1st: Mrs. Rosenbaum 2nd: Mr. Hoag 3rd: Mrs. Shook.
I don't have any of my year books except junior year. Even if we didn't, cool to meet you any way lol. Mt. Joy must collect creative people, the woman I get my pyrex toys from on eBay is in Mt. Joy too.
because I love them
I should check it out b4 I post.