Oh. My. God.
The horrible world of hangovers, which I have shunned for so long, is welcoming me back with open arms.
Last night was the sickest I've EVER been. It started with one of the other girls deciding to get very trashed and to bring me along for the ride. All I remember after that is lolling over the toilet bowl in the backroom at work begging for someone to call an ambulance, and then my housemates coming to pick me up at something like 3am and somehow getting me back to my bed. I must have passed out but at least I did it neatly, because I now find myself cleaning buckets rather than floors and sheets.
Much kudos to my housemates, especially Shorty who is a sympathetic vomiter, and had to get up at 7am, and somehow still put up with me.
Heh. I'm making the bartender refuse me alcohol tonight. And I'm spending what little money I earned on thank you presents for Short and Lory.
The horrible world of hangovers, which I have shunned for so long, is welcoming me back with open arms.
Last night was the sickest I've EVER been. It started with one of the other girls deciding to get very trashed and to bring me along for the ride. All I remember after that is lolling over the toilet bowl in the backroom at work begging for someone to call an ambulance, and then my housemates coming to pick me up at something like 3am and somehow getting me back to my bed. I must have passed out but at least I did it neatly, because I now find myself cleaning buckets rather than floors and sheets.
Much kudos to my housemates, especially Shorty who is a sympathetic vomiter, and had to get up at 7am, and somehow still put up with me.
Heh. I'm making the bartender refuse me alcohol tonight. And I'm spending what little money I earned on thank you presents for Short and Lory.

ohhhh now that is what I call messy