My housemate roped me into modelling for her latest photograhy project this evening. She used film but took some digital snaps to show me what it looked like:
Right now, I am bored. Very much looking forward to tomorrow, with the prospect of a date with a guy I go to uni with. Although, being single is finally starting to feel nice. Especially with the realisation that next semester I'll be studying at both unis and will therefore have three or four times as many pickup prospects as I've had recently And DAMN we get some charming young fellows at work. Hotness muchly. And since they're buying cameras, they probably have half-decent money and some sort of artistic talent. That prospect rules, I don't wanna give it up! But I guess one date isn't necessarily the certain horrifying end of my singleness.
Tomorrow also involves an eight hour shift at work, which means lots of moola. I've been earning twice as much as I did at my old, super-high-paying job. At the rate I'm going, I'll have my credit card completely paid off in four weeks' time (it was maxed out until about a month ago). And then it's tax time AND THEN, I bludge off the government for the rest of the semester. Good good.
Blah. Well, since I had just about zero sleep last night, and spent today completely wired from too much Red Bull, methinks it's time for sleepies.