Wow. Rejected by SG two hours after applying. How embarrasing
Oh well. The job interview went awesomely, I'm starting on Thursday as 3IC. The pay is even worse than I thought, though, it's 7 dollars an hour less than what I get now. Erk
. But I get sick leave and all that jazz, so it's all good.
Thanks to those who recommended awesome websites, I can't possibly complain about being bored anytime in the next few weeks
Kudos to the creators of and, those guys rock my socks.
OK time to go write some essays, luv yas all

Oh well. The job interview went awesomely, I'm starting on Thursday as 3IC. The pay is even worse than I thought, though, it's 7 dollars an hour less than what I get now. Erk

Thanks to those who recommended awesome websites, I can't possibly complain about being bored anytime in the next few weeks

OK time to go write some essays, luv yas all

after going back to sydney every plan that i made fell through, oh well, i guess that is just the way it goes sometimes.
how much work do u have due after the break?
got any other exciting news?
With regards to your job - 3IC? Dunno if it's just me but that means nothing to me. But congrats on getting a permanent position, it's always great to be able to stay at home when you're sick, or actually take a few days off for holidays, and know that it's not all "money goes out, money goes out".
And as for websites, off the top of my head I can probably only offer what I regard as "standards" (you've probably already seen them)...
Funkwit (hey at least it's an Aussie effort)
Homestar Runner