I am a little stressed out trying to move by November 9.
Mainly because I'm not sure what I want to do or go, or if I can keep my dogs or not. Too many unknowns. I'm going nuts. Today I interviewed with a great aviation company to continue my boring sales career. A company in Las Vegas set-up a phone interview for Thursday for me to be a production control assistant for airplane landing gear. Nice old blue collar job less yuppie bullshit. Good money.
Then I applied to ten tattoo shops in Portland to help them with everything except actually tattooing.
I got my food handler's card for Oregon last week and am taking the OLCC Liquor Server course tomorrow.
So I don't know if I want to chase money in aviation, be poor but happy in the culture, or create awesome food and drinks again like I did when I was younger. Whatever it is, I better choose soon or my ass will be sitting in a tent city eating pork and beans and drinking a 40.
Just goes to prove that even at 43 you can still be fucked up.