I'm homeless, and was staying at a motel. My son came to visit and drove off faster than the manager would have liked and call him a mother fucker. I told her to knock it off and not treat my son that way. She called the cops and I got kicked out. Why am I the bad guy because she was a bitch?

I love it when people are confident with their bodies and sexuality. Kudos to those of you who are.

What a great website. I'm not into hurting partners, but this is just plain sexy.

I'm thinking about having my foreskin pierced again. Do you girls like it or is it a waste of money?

I thought I found the one. But no.
It's okay. I really like being alone with my hounds. And all you wonderful people on SGs make my life happy. Thank you. :)

So I've finally decided to post my picture. Sorry folks. I'm not a handsome man. But I have a great since of humor. Muhaha. ;)

To all the staff, models, and members that make this a great website, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
With Christmas less than a week away, it looks like I'll be spending it alone again. Oh well. It's like someone told me. Just consider it another normal day and don't let it get you down. I'm trying. :) Merry Christmas everyone.
It snowed on the Oregon Coast this morning. That almost never happens. Very pretty. I even got to see it snowing for a little while. I think it's beautiful and relaxing.

So my son tried to take his dog but he lives with his mom in a retirement community and people complained about how big his lab was so guess what? I'm stuck with three dogs in a small motel room. I'm trying to find Remington a good home. I live in Florence on the Oregon coast. If anyone is interested in taking him, here's the...
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“A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.” ~George M. Moore, Jr.